"Printables" Image Sizes:
Some images are offered in a single size and other are offered in a "bundle" of size aspect ratio (11"x17", 18"x 24", 24"x 36", 27"x40"). Please check the product description of each to ensure you know the size. We are diligently working to create a full bundle of sizes for each image.
See the charts below for additional information.
Image Aspect Ratios*
11" x 17" / 2000px x 2000px @ 300dpi
18" x 24" / 2000px x 2000px @ 300pdi
24" x 36" / 2000px x 2000px @ 300dpi
27" x 40" / 2000px x 2000px @ 100dpi (we are currently in the process to increase these to 300dpi)
Our bundles offer all of these sizes in one download. Bundles also offer files in JPG and PDF formats.
*Aspect ratio refers to the dimensions. Some images will be oriented horizontally and others vertically. Check the image description for the specific image size offered. Some images are single sized images and others are sold as "bundled" images as listed above. Bundled offerings will be marked with the word BUNDLE.
Color Profile:
All images are RGB (red, green, blue) color profile and ready for Inkjet or laser printing. NOTE: Color shift may occur depending upon which print source is used. Color shift is a term to describe the difference in color perception from one media type to another. For example, an image on a computer monitor is back lite apposed to an image on print, which is front lite. Also, ambient light from your room or outdoors can effect the perceived color. RGB color is used for most printed files of this type. If printing on a printing press where 4-color separation required, contact us for assistance if needed. RBG and CMYK (4-color press) are different color spaces.
File Download:
Files become available for download immediately after purchase and a link appears in your cart. Additionally, you will receive an email (to the email used at checkout) with a confirmation of your order AND another download link opportunity. If any issues arise where additional attempts are needed, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you. Some files, such as the bundled images, are in .zip format. This format requires you to download to your drive and double click to decompress the files. Once decompressed, you will see the PDF file(s).
Your JPG or PDF file(s) can be printed using your favorite Inkjet or Laser printer. If you prefer a more professional print, there are many online services that accept the upload of the PDF file. We tend to use COSTCO photo (Shutterfly) for our personal prints. If you are not a member of COSTCO*, you can still utilize the service directly through (not an endorsement - only a suggestion), (prices vary depending upon using COSCTO or directly through Shutterfly). There are many services available online. Check them out and choose your favorite. Tip: If you are printing a photo on photo paper, select LUSTER finish. This will cut down on the glare and provide a better look.
Additional online print options (not endorsements, just options):
Online Search: "Online Custom Poster Printing."
*You do not need to live near a COSTCO in order to use the online photo connection to Shutterfly. Finished products are sent directly to you.
Why do we offer "Downloadable" image instead of hard copy prints? This cuts down on wasted printing, saves trees, and eliminates the delivery (trucks, gas, pollution, packaging, and more) for us to then warehouse all these items. By only offering digital prints for download, you get the image you want AND you choose the size, type and quantity you need. It is a Win, Win, Win - You, Us, and The Environment. Additionally, with all the online tools and mobile apps we encourage you to create wallpapers and more with your new image.
Stay Informed:
Want to stay informed of our latest offerings or have helpful suggestions? Contact us and drop us a note. We will send you notices of what's cool now and what is up and coming.